Gregor Reid, ISAPP Board of Directors

Reid Named Fellow of Royal Society of Canada

Prof. Gregor Reid, PhD, a founding board member of ISAPP, a former President of ISAPP and the current advisor to the ISAPP Students and Fellows Association (SFA), was recently named a Fellow by the Royal Society of Canada.  This honor was bestowed by his peers in recognition of outstanding scientific achievement. Prof. Reid has been […]

gut bacteria illustration

Got gas? Blame it on your bacteria

September 2016. By Prof. Robert Hutkins, PhD – When I tell friends and family that I study gut bacteria and gut health, the most frequent question I am asked is why some foods cause intestinal gas.   The next question is almost always whether or not gas is such a bad thing. Bloating, constipation, indigestion, and […]

sign at the FDA

ISAPP files comments with the FDA on their partial stay of sections of their guidance for INDs

June 28, 2016 – ISAPP disagrees with the approach FDA has taken to address their overreach of requiring investigational new drug applications for most human research on foods or supplements in the United States. In response to criticism of their 2014 final guidance, Determining Whether Human Research Studies Can Be Conducted Without an Investigational New Drug Application, the FDA filed […]

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European Union ruling may interfere with communication about probiotics and prebiotics

July 25, 2016 – A European Union court ruling may impede direct communication on scientific substantiation of health benefits of (probiotic and prebiotic) foods to healthcare providers. From the Court ruling:  “Article 1(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods, as amended […]

Prebiotics Not ‘Fiber’ Under New U.S. Food Labeling Regulations

Food labels cannot list prebiotics as fiber under new food labeling regulations. The FDA has narrowed the definition of dietary fiber, which now excludes inulin and other prebiotics. ISAPP posted comments urging the FDA to recognize the many established health benefits of prebiotics, but our opinion did not prevail. The FDA final rule allows added […]

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ISAPP Launches

The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) is a non-profit, science-based organization of scientists focused on advancing the science of probiotics and prebiotics. Since our founding in 2002, ISAPP’s web platform was Today we launched to better reflect our non-profit, service-oriented nature and to better serve our stakeholders.

Clinical Guide to Probiotics supplements Canada

2016 Clinical Guide to Probiotic Supplements Now Available

Clinical Guide to Probiotic Supplements available in Canada: 2016 edition is now available. This guide is authored by Dragana Skokovic-Sunjic BScPhm RPh NCMP and summarizes strength of evidence determined by a Committee of Medical Reviewers. The industry-supported Alliance for Education on Probiotics sponsors this activity. This guide is a handy resource that provides evidence levels […]

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Gut Microbiota for Health Launches New Website

The Gut Microbiota for Health website has a new look. The new site offers information for clinicians, researchers and lay persons on the impact of gut microbiota on health. The goal of the site is to become the most trusted reference worldwide for scientific information on the gut microbiota.

Prevalence of Probiotic Use

Prevalence of Probiotic Use Among Patients in The USA

Yi et al. (2016) published a survey of probiotic use among 145 hospitals in the United States. They note that 96% of hospitals surveyed used probiotics but that many specific probiotics used in hospitals lack convincing evidence of efficacy.

the journal of family practice logo

Recommendations for Probiotic and Prebiotic Use from the Journal of Family Practice

January 6, 2016. The Journal of Family Practice published a paper recommending probiotics or prebiotics. The paper grades available evidence for IBS, IBD, antibiotic associated diarrhea, acute infectious diarrhea, traveler’s diarrhea, eczema and diabetes and recommends specific uses for patients. Authors state: “There’s evidence to suggest that probiotics, prebiotics, and a high-fiber diet can help […]