World Gastroenterology Association

WGO updates Guidelines on Probiotics and Prebiotics

April 18, 2017. – The World Gastroenterology Organisation published a 2017 update of Practice Guideline on Probiotics and Prebiotics. Currently, the updated version is only available in English, but the 2011 version is still available in French, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. Note especially updated Tables 8 and 9, which list strains associated with graded evidence for GI benefits for adults and children. This update was chaired by Prof. Francisco Guarner (former ISAPP board member) and co-chaired by Dr. Mary Ellen Sanders (ISAPP Executive Science Officer). Prof. Hania Szajewska led the effort on pediatric indications. Dr. Dan Merenstein and Prof. Seppo Salminen served as invited experts.