Precision fermentation for animal-free milk, with Dr. Abigail Thiel PhD

This episode features Dr. Abigail (Abbey) Thiel PhD, who works remotely (from the US) with Wageningen University to manage a project focused on developing animal-free milk proteins using precision fermentation. Dr. Thiel explains that the motivation for the project is to find alternatives to animal-produced foods using microorganisms to produce key components of dairy products. […]

ISAPP’s President Elected to the American Academy of Microbiology

The President of the ISAPP Board of Directors, Prof. Maria Marco PhD, was among the elite group of scientists elected this year to the American Academy of Microbiology. Membership in the Academy is given to individuals within the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) who are selected through a rigorous process that involves peer evaluation of […]

The Promise of Personalized Medicine

By Prof. Dan Merenstein MD While the existence of responders and non-responders are evident in any clinical trial, today’s forward thinkers envision the next logical step: personalized medicine. Here, I’m a skeptic in a sea of enthusiasts. Although a few ISAPP experts have cautioned that the claims for personalized approaches outpace their scientific substantiation (see […]

Archive Highlight: An evolutionary perspective on fermented foods, with Assoc. Prof. Katie Amato

Continuing in the series on the latest fermented food science, we are highlighting Episode 9 from our archives. In this episode, the ISAPP hosts talk about fermented foods and non-human primates with Katie Amato of Northwestern University, USA. Amato describes what she has learned from studying the gut microbiota of non-human primates and how it […]

Fermented foods and their health benefits, with Dr. Paul Cotter PhD

This episode features Dr. Paul Cotter PhD of TEAGASC in Ireland, talking about the creation of fermented foods and how they can lead to health benefits. A huge array of foods can be fermented, and historically fermentation was used to extend the shelf life of a food that people had an abundance of. Dr. Cotter’s […]

How fermented foods can support health and sustainability, with Prof. Christophe Courtin PhD

In this episode, Prof. Christophe Courtin PhD from KU Leuven in Belgium discusses the potential of fermented foods to provide health benefits and create more sustainable food systems. His work focuses in particular on fermenting cereal grains as a way to create products with better properties or enhanced health impact. Fermentation is a form of […]

Researcher in Cameroon Dedicated to Women’s Health Receives 2025 Gregor Reid Award for Outstanding Scholars in Developing Nations

It is with great pleasure that the ISAPP board of directors announces this year’s winner of the Gregor Reid Award for Outstanding Scholars in Developing Nations: Josiane Kenfack MSc, a PhD student at the University of Yaounde I in Cameroon. Josiane’s scientific work focuses on the vaginal microbiome and probiotics, with the aim of improving […]

2025 Glenn Gibson Early Career Researcher Award Goes to Researcher in China Focused on Probiotics for Brain Health

ISAPP is pleased to announce that the recipient of this year’s Glenn Gibson Early Career Researcher Award is Dr. Peijun Tian PhD, Associate Professor at Jiangnan University (China). Dr. Tian, who completed his PhD in Food Science and Engineering at Jiangnan University in 2021, is a researcher focused on both the mechanisms and the clinical […]

Archive Highlight: The science of fermented foods, part 2, with Prof. Bob Hutkins

Continuing in the series on the latest fermented food science, we are highlighting Episode 3 from our archives. The hosts continue their discussion of fermented foods with Prof. Bob Hutkins, University of Nebraska – Lincoln. Prof. Hutkins elaborates on how the microbes associated with fermented foods may confer health benefits, as well as how food […]

Archive Highlight: The science of fermented foods, part 1, with Prof. Bob Hutkins

Welcome to the first episode of our new series on the latest fermented food science. We are highlighting Episode 1 from our archives with guest Prof. Bob Hutkins, University of Nebraska – Lincoln. Prof. Hutkins wrote a popular textbook on fermented foods and has had a 40-year career in fermentation science. He shares why he […]