ISAPP unveils new logo as 20th anniversary approaches
ISAPP has existed since 2002. At the time of incorporating the…
The Human Mycobiome: An ISAPP mini-symposium
ISAPP announces an open registration mini-symposium on the human…
ISAPP publishes continuing education course for dietitians
For dietitians, it’s often difficult to find practical, up-to-date…
In Memoriam: Todd Klaenhammer
By Mary Ellen Sanders and Colin Hill
We all suffered a devastating…
ISAPP board members look back in time to respond to Benjamin Franklin’s suggestion on how to improve “natural discharges of wind from our bodies”
Benjamin Franklin, born in 1706, was a multi-talented politician…
ISAPP ha estado trabajando en colaboración con la Sociedad de Enterocolitis Necrotizante
La Asociación Científica Internacional para Probióticos y…
‘Probiotic’ on food labels in Europe: Spain adopts a pioneering initiative
By Silvia Bañares, PhD in commercial law, attorney Barcelona…
ISAPP collaborates with NEC Society to help parents understand the role of probiotics in reducing the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis
By Dr. Mary Ellen Sanders, PhD, ISAPP Executive Science Officer
Update on harmonized guidelines for probiotics being developed by the Codex Alimentarius
By Prof. Gabriel Vinderola, PhD, Associate Professor of Microbiology…
Locally produced probiotic yogurt for better nutrition and health in Uganda
By Prof. Seppo Salminen, Director of Functional Foods Forum,…
ISAPP board member Prof. Colin Hill receives Career Achievement Research Award from University College Cork
This month, ISAPP board member and former president Professor…
New Spanish-language e-book about fermented foods now available for download
By Dr. Gabriel Vinderola, PhD, Associate Professor of Microbiology…
Opportunity for research grants to help understand evidence linking live dietary microbes and health
For thousands of years, cultures across the globe have been consuming…
Precision approaches to microbiota modulation: Using specific fiber structures to direct the gut microbial ecosystem for better health
By now, hundreds of scientific articles show the differences…
New publication co-authored by ISAPP board members gives an overview of probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, and postbiotics in infant formula
For meeting the nutritional needs of infants and supporting early…
New Probiotic and Prebiotic Society Among Ibero-American Countries
By Prof. Gabriel Vinderola PhD, Associate Professor of Microbiology…
Hear from ISAPP board members in webinar covering probiotic and prebiotic mechanisms of action
This webinar is now complete -- see the recorded version here.
New publication addresses the question: Which bacteria truly qualify as probiotics?
Although the international scientific consensus definition of…