Episode 30: A systems biology perspective on the gut microbiome

The Science, Microbes & Health Podcast  This podcast covers emerging topics and challenges in the science of probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, postbiotics and fermented foods. This is the podcast of The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP), a nonprofit scientific organization dedicated to advancing the science of these fields. A systems biology perspective on […]

Why responders and non-responders may not be the holy grail for biotics

By Prof. Dan Merenstein MD, Georgetown University Medical Center, USA In September the New York Times published an article titled “What Obesity Drugs and Antidepressants Have in Common“. It was written by a physician who had personally struggled with weight issues and depression. In his personal journey with these health challenges, he hesitates to undergo […]

Episode 29: Human milk oligosaccharides in the infant gut

The Science, Microbes & Health Podcast  This podcast covers emerging topics and challenges in the science of probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, postbiotics and fermented foods. This is the podcast of The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP), a nonprofit scientific organization dedicated to advancing the science of these fields. Human milk oligosaccharides in the […]

Probiotic Administration in Preterm Infants: Scientific Statement

Board of Directors, International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics in collaboration with Dr. Geoffrey Preidis MD PhD, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition Prof. Andi L Shane MD MPH MSc, Pediatric Infectious Diseases A recent report of a fatality in an extremely premature infant recipient of a probiotic product has resulted in a warning letter […]

Episode 28: Lactobacilli in the microbiomes of the gut, skin, reproductive tract and more

The Science, Microbes & Health Podcast  This podcast covers emerging topics and challenges in the science of probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, postbiotics and fermented foods. This is the podcast of The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP), a nonprofit scientific organization dedicated to advancing the science of these fields. Lactobacilli in the microbiomes of […]

Inaugural nominations open for ISAPP Award: The Sanders Award for Advancing Biotic Science

With this year’s retirement of ISAPP’s longtime Executive Science Officer, Dr. Mary Ellen Sanders PhD, the ISAPP board of directors sought a suitable way to honor her contributions in advancing scientific development in the fields of probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, postbiotics and fermented foods. Many scientists in these fields have commended Mary Ellen’s leadership, initiative, collaboration, […]

Microbiota from a surprising source—baby kangaroos—might decrease cattle methane production

By Prof. Seppo Salminen, University of Turku, Finland One of the major contributors to greenhouse gas production is the final stage of anaerobic fermentation in the rumen (pre-stomach compartment) of cattle, which produces methane. The process is the top agricultural source of greenhouse gases worldwide. In addition, the formation of methane is associated with approximately […]

Episode 27: Investigating the benefits of live dietary microbes

  The Science, Microbes & Health Podcast  This podcast covers emerging topics and challenges in the science of probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, postbiotics and fermented foods. This is the podcast of The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP), a nonprofit scientific organization dedicated to advancing the science of these fields. Investigating the benefits of […]

Clarifying the role of metabolites in the postbiotic definition

By Dr. Gabriel Vinderola PhD, Instituto de Lactología Industrial (CONICET-UNL), Faculty of Chemical Engineering, National University of Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina and and Prof. Colin Hill PhD, School of Microbiology and APC Microbiome Ireland, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland ISAPP published a definition for the term postbiotics in 2021 that states that “a postbiotic is a […]

Episode 26: The role of microbes in gut-brain communication

  The Science, Microbes & Health Podcast  This podcast covers emerging topics and challenges in the science of probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, postbiotics and fermented foods. This is the podcast of The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP), a nonprofit scientific organization dedicated to advancing the science of these fields. The role of microbes […]