ISAPP Board Member Prof. Dan Merenstein MD Elected to National Academy of Medicine

A longtime ISAPP board member, Prof. Dan Merenstein MD of Georgetown University School of Medicine, has received a prestigious honor: election to the US National Academy of Medicine. With this recognition, Prof. Merenstein joins an elite group of fewer than 100 American scientists, doctors and other professionals selected each year for exceptional achievements in medicine […]

How the maternal microbiome influences offspring neurodevelopment, with Dr. Eldin Jašarević PhD

This episode features Dr. Eldin Jašarević PhD from University of Pittsburgh discussing research that investigates how maternal signals influence the general development and neurodevelopment of the offspring. Dr. Jašarević’s particular interest in this field stems from his family’s journey as refugees from Bosnia who found their way to the US. His lab studies how maternal […]

How do we know if a microbe is dead?

By Prof. Maria Marco PhD, University of California, Davis “Kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses.” This percentage and others like it are frequently found on disinfectant labels. Ideally, the microbicidal effect of the product is sufficient to kill more than the numbers of the target pathogen or pathogens expected to be in the environment where […]

Fiber and short-chain fatty acids for cognitive health, with Dr. Boushra Dalile PhD

This episode features Dr. Boushra Dalile PhD from KU Leuven in Belgium – ISAPP’s 2024 Glenn Gibson Early Career Researcher Award winner – discussing the protective role of fiber and prebiotics on cognitive health. Dr. Dalile is trained in psychology, and in her current work she undertakes human intervention studies to examine the effects of […]

Archive Highlight: Biotics in animal and human nutrition, with Prof. Kelly Swanson PhD

  Completing our series on the role of biotics in animal health, we are highlighting Episode 22 from our archives. In this episode, Prof. Kelly Swanson PhD from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign discusses the role of biotics in animal and human nutrition. He reviews the criteria for prebiotics and synbiotics, then discusses how we […]

Developing probiotics to prevent white nose syndrome in bats, with Prof. Ann Cheeptham PhD

This episode features Prof. Naowarat (Ann) Cheeptham, a cave microbiologist from Thompson Rivers University (Canada), speaking about a fungal infection in bats that causes white nose syndrome. She and her collaborators are looking at the microbiomes of the bats and their environments for possible ways to prevent this serious infection. White nose syndrome is caused […]

Can Probiotics Prevent Respiratory Tract Infections in Infants and Children?

By Prof. Hania Szajewska MD PhD, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland Imagine you are a primary care pediatrician practicing in an area where respiratory tract infections (RTIs) are particularly common during the winter months. Due to the seasonal surge in viral infections, you might find yourself seeing 20-30 children per day with upper respiratory tract […]

Targeting the rumen microbiota for reduced methane production, with Prof. Alex Hristov PhD

This episode features Prof. Alex Hristov PhD from Penn State University (USA) talking about the microbiota of ruminants and how it can be targeted for reduced methane production. The rumen (pre-stomach area) of cows and other animals contains microorganisms that digest the feed before it enters the rest of the gastrointestinal tract. Hydrogen is produced […]

Discovering novel bioactive peptides in fermented foods

By Dr. Rounak Chourasia PhD, National Agri-food Biotechnology Institute, Mohali, Punjab, India Food not only serves as a primary source of essential nutrients but also contains a wealth of potential bioactive compounds. Among these, peptides have garnered significant attention for their ability to impact health beyond basic nutrition. These short protein fragments, ranging from 2 […]

Archive Highlight: Prebiotics for animal health, with Prof. George Fahey

Continuing our series on the role of biotics in animal health, we are highlighting Episode 5 from our archives. This episode features a former ISAPP board member, Prof. George Fahey, giving an overview of animal prebiotic research and describing future opportunities for prebiotics in animal nutrition. Prof. George Fahey is a prominent animal nutrition scientist […]