Dutch Microbiologist Passionate About Biotics Applications & Public Outreach Receives ISAPP’s 2025 Sanders Award for Advancing Biotic Science

The ISAPP board of directors is thrilled to announce the winner of the 2nd Sanders Award for Advancing Biotic Science: Prof. Remco Kort PhD, a researcher at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Prof. Kort also currently serves as Chair of ARTIS-Micropia museum, and is the co-founder and Chair of the nonprofit Yoba for Life Foundation. […]

2024 in Review: Important Advances in Biotic and Microbiome Science

By the ISAPP Editorial Team, with contributions from the ISAPP Board of Directors 2024 was another banner year in the scientific literature on probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, postbiotics and fermented foods as well as microbiome science. Scientists were prolific in all of these areas, with well over 10,000 published papers on biotics and fermented foods. 30,000 […]

2024 highlights in biotic science, with ISAPP’s current and past Presidents

In this episode, ISAPP’s current President Prof. Maria Marco PhD and past President Prof. Dan Merenstein join the podcast hosts for a conversation about highlights in biotic science from the past year. Prof. Marco points out a paper published in Nature Microbiology, the result of an ISAPP discussion group exploring whether diet may be a […]

Gut microbes and other drivers of inflammation in Parkinson’s disease, with Prof. Malú Tansey PhD and Dr. Andrea Merchak PhD

This episode features Prof. Malú Tansey PhD and colleague Dr. Andrea Merchak PhD from the University of Florida, USA, discussing neuroinflammation and the role of gut microbes in Parkinson’s disease (PD) and other neurodegenerative diseases. “Inflammaging” tends to occur as aging progresses, but the links that have been made between the gut and the brain […]

ISAPP panel concludes that more evidence is needed to determine whether probiotics help restore an antibiotic-disrupted microbiota

By Dr. Mary Ellen Sanders PhD, Mary Ellen Sanders LLC, Colorado, USA, Dr. Hania Szajewska MD, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland, Prof. Karen Scott PhD, Rowett Institute, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK From the time scientists began to understand how antibiotics disrupt the gut microbiota, questions have been raised about whether probiotics could help recovery […]

Using a microbiota-gut-brain axis on a microfluidic chip to gain insights into neurodegenerative diseases, with Prof. Kerensa Broersen PhD

This episode features Prof. Kerensa Broersen PhD from University of Twente in the Netherlands, speaking about using an innovative model of the microbiota-gut-brain axis to learn about neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease. Prof. Broersen says that while clinical studies are applicable to human health and animal models have great physiological complexity, her lab focuses […]

Developing probiotics for neurodegenerative disease, with Dr. Alex Parker PhD

This episode features Dr. Alex Parker PhD from Université de Montréal talking about models for studying neurodegenerative diseases. His lab makes use of the worm C. elegans, a common model organism for studying disease and aging as it has many genes in common with humans. Focusing on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Dr. Parker makes models […]

Archive Highlight: New evidence on the virome in gut-brain communication and stress, with Nathaniel Ritz and Thomaz Bastiaanssen

Continuing our series on the microbiota-gut-brain axis, we are highlighting Episode 34 from our archives. In this episode, the ISAPP hosts discuss a new study on how the gut virome affects the host during stress, with Nathaniel (Nate) Ritz from the Institute for Systems Biology in Seattle, USA and Thomaz Bastiaanssen from APC Microbiome Ireland. […]

Planning a Biotics Study? New Publication Recommends Adding Diet as a Variable

By Prof. Maria Marco PhD and Prof. Kevin Whelan PhD In studies on probiotics, prebiotics, and other biotics, the demonstrated health effect may depend on the personal characteristics and habits of the study participants. Take the following scenario: Person A and Person B consume the same prebiotic supplement. Person A typically eats a Mediterranean-style diet, […]

Archive Highlight: The role of microbes in gut-brain communication, with Prof. Emeran Mayer MD

  Continuing our series on the microbiota-gut-brain axis, we are highlighting Episode 26 from our archives. In this episode, ISAPP podcast host Prof. Dan Tancredi PhD welcomes guest Prof. Emeran Mayer MD, a gastroenterologist and researcher at University of California Los Angeles. They talk about the microbiota-gut-brain axis, covering its evolutionary origins and how this […]