
The meeting program features plenary speakers sharing cutting-edge research, including Prof. Catherine O’Neill PhD (University of Manchester) presenting on the gut-skin axis, Prof. Aki Sinkkonen PhD (University of Helsinki) on delivery of probiotics to humans through soil-based interventions, Prof. KC Huang PhD (Stanford University) speaking about intestinal ecology and ingestible sampling devices, Dr. Ana Luis PhD (University of Gothenburg) on the commensal microbiota and glycome, Prof. John Cryan PhD (University College Cork) on the latest research related to the microbiota-gut-brain axis, and Prof. Douwe van Sinderen PhD (University College Cork) on mother-baby transmission of bifidobacterial strains.

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Program Guide

The program guide is your reference tool for all meeting-related information. It includes outlines for the various sessions, workshops and discussion groups, as well as details on our plenary speakers, poster abstracts and more.

See the program guide

Cork City Guide

Make the most of your time in Cork by reviewing the Cork City Guide before you arrive. Learn about Cork’s historic sites, neighborhoods, dining and more.

See city guide


July is tourist season in Cork and hotels will be very busy at this time. We recommend booking early to secure your room. Please see this page for more information on local hotels and conference rates where applicable.

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Our venue for the ISAPP meeting will be on campus at University College Cork. The University and co-located APC Microbiome Ireland are world class research institutions globally recognised for their contribution to microbiome and biotic science.

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Discussion Groups

Topics and details for the 6 discussion groups are available. Industry members may choose a preferred discussion group upon registration. Please note: Attendance at discussion groups on July 9 is reserved for invited experts and IAC members.

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General meeting registration is now closed. Please contact Laura: with any questions.

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Abstract Submission

The ISAPP 2024 meeting will feature a poster program where attending scientists can display selected work throughout the meeting and present it during a dedicated scientific poster session. Abstracts submissions for registered industry members close: 30 April 2024.

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Our host city and institution for the 2024 ISAPP Annual Meeting