May 25, 2009

ISAPP’s president, Dr. Gregor Reid, named as inaugural chair in Human Microbiology and Probiotics at Lawson Health Research Institute, made possible by a $7 million investment by Danone Research. Press release.

May 20, 2009

Health Canada prepares monograph on probiotics as a guide to industry for natural health product market authorization of probiotic products. Download monograph.

April 30, 2009

Norwegian Food Safety Authority recommends against use of probiotics in critically ill patients. Download opinion.

April 28, 2009

ISAPP President, Gregor Reid, on “Research on Probiotics: A Well of Untapped Resources in Russia,” published in International Science and Technology Center newsletter.

Foods Containing Probiotics | ISAPP

Health Canada Food Directorate issues “Guidance Document – The Use of Probiotic Microorganisms in Food” along with along with a “Notice to Stakeholders.” Referring to foods containing probiotics, these documents indicate that Health Canada will allow certain generic claims that do not require strain- or product-specific substantiation.

ILSI Convenes Prebiotic and Probiotic Task Forces

ILSI convenes prebiotic and probiotic task forces. The mission of the Probiotics Task Force is to assess the physiological efficacy of probiotics to guide the scientific substantiation of health claims on probiotics. The mission of the Prebiotics Task Force is to provide the basis for assessment of the physiological efficacy of prebiotics.

Physiological and Functional Properties of Probiotics

Physiological and Functional Properties of Probiotics published as a bulletin of the International Dairy Federation, authored by Mercenier, Wijnkoop-Lenoir and Sanders (2008). Reprint.

Probiotics: Their Impact on Human Health

“Probiotics: Their Impact on Human Health” issue paper coauthored by Sanders, Gibson,Gill and Guarner and published by the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology is now available free of charge. Click here.

Executive Summary of the National Institutes of Health Conference

The National Institutes of Health conference on Gastrointestinal Microbiota and Advances in Prebiotic and Probiotic Research was held December 11-12, 2007.

EU Regulatory Update for Health Claims on Foods and Supplements

EU regulatory update for health claims on foods and supplements. Press release. Full opinion of European scientific panel. Summary of opinion. Click here to go to the EFSA website.