December 15, 2010

2010 ISAPP meeting report was published in Functional Food Reviews, and is available open access.

December 15, 2010

ISAPP Past President Gregor Reid recently published an article titled “Putting Science First: The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP)” in Functional Food Reviews.

November 29, 2010

Recent action by European Union may serve to suppress publication of research to substantiate health claims used in food labeling. Read article in Food and Drug Law Institute’s Update.

November 3, 2010

ISAPP 2010 meeting report now available

November 3, 2010

European Food Safety Authority published a scientific report titled “Bibliographic review on the potential of microorganisms, microbial products and enzymes to induce respiratory sensitization.” Report.

November 3, 2010

Danone Research launches probiotic research bulletin titled “Probiotic Watch,” which features summaries of newly published research and commentaries by acclaimed scientists, including 2 former ISAPP board members, Drs. Bruno Pot and James Versalovic.

November 3, 2010

The conclusions from the ILSI Europe Prebiotic Task Force has been published, “Prebiotic Effects: Metabolic and Health Benefits”. Dr. Marcel Roberfroid served as lead author on this paper, which was published in the British Journal of Nutrition. Link to article.

November 3, 2010

Report from 2009 ISAPP meeting discussion group on mucosal immunity published in Gut Microbes, authored by O’Flaherty, Saulnier, Pot and Versalovic.

November 3, 2010

ISAPP board member, Michael Cabana, MD, MPH, offered commentary in the Journal of Pediatrics [157(5):864-5; 2010] regarding interpretation of recent metaanalysis (Pediatrics 2010;125:921-30) on use of probiotics in NEC. He questioned the value of aggregating different probiotic preparations into one metaanalysis and  emphasized that – contrary to the opinions expressed in the metaanalysis – that […]

November 3, 2010

The 4th year of the Young Investigator Grant for Probiotics Research sponsored by Danone Research and Yakult has been announced. The purpose of the two annual grants of $50,000 each is to contribute to the advancement of probiotics and gastrointestinal microbiota research in the United States, and to impact academic and career development of young […]