ISAPP Comments on CBER Proposal on INDs

May 28, 2015. ISAPP filed comments on an FDA-CBER proposal regarding CMC information required for INDs on probiotic research (Federal Register Notice).  ISAPP welcomes this proposal by CBER that the label on a commercially available product would be adequate to satisfy CMC information.  ISAPP comments.

ISAPP Responds to NIH-NCCIH Request for Research Direction.

May 12, 2015. ISAPP responds to the request by NIH-National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health for input into the Center’s future research efforts and priority setting. ISAPP response.

ISAPP Sponsored Prof. Bruno Pot to Speak at PAi | ISAPP

ISAPP sponsored Prof. Bruno Pot, Institut Pasteur Lille, to speak at the 2nd Annual Conference of the Probiotic Association of India. The conference titled “Probiotics and Microbiome: Gut and Beyond” was held November 3-4, 2014 in Delhi, India. For further details see the report.

The 8th annual Young Investigatory Grant for Probiotic Research has been announced

The 8th annual Young Investigatory Grant for Probiotic Research has been announced by Global Probiotics Council of Danone Nutricia Research and Yaklult Honsha Co., Ltd. Three annual grants of $50,000 USD supports innovative research on probiotics and gastrointestinal microbiota in the United States. Information.

October 7, 2014

Published today in Am J Reprod Immunol, and open access: Microbes Central to Human Reproduction. . The authors, let by Dr. Gregor Reid, summarize an ISAPP discussion group from 2014 meeting.

September 28, 2014

Health Point Productions has just released, “MicroWarriors” Special Edition. This Documentary Film on probiotics is a re-release with new footage from interviews featuring ISAPP board members, Prof. Gregor Reid and Mary Ellen Sanders. Some of the other experts include: Glenn Gibson PhD, Todd Klaenhammer PhD, Jose Saavedra MD, Robert Martindale MD, Simin Meydani PhD and […]

September 26, 2014

ISAPP Board member, Michael Cabana, MD, MPH, joined 2 other experts (David Mills, Ph.D. and Mark Underwood, MD) in a continuing education program on Prebiotics, Probiotics, and the Microbiota. Official Audio CME Program of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

September 8, 2014

ISAPP filed comments regarding with the European Food Safety Authority regarding its intent to revise the guidance on scientific requirements for health claims on foods related to gut and immune function. ISAPP’s opinion is that EFSA should completely revise the guidance document, rather than limit comments to issues that have arisen in submitted dossiers. ISAPP […]

September 8, 2014

The Dannon Company Graduate Scholarship. The third Yogurt and Probiotics Fellowship Program offers a scholarship of $25,000 to a current or incoming graduate student who shows a strong interest in the research of nutritional and functional benefits of yogurt and probiotics. Candidates must be currently enrolled in or applying to a full-time graduate program. Applications […]

August 1, 2014

ISAPP files comments with the FDA regarding impact of Proposed Rule on labeling prebiotics on foods. ISAPP requests that the FDA modify the Proposed Rule as follows: (1) benefits of added fibers be explicitly expanded to include a broader range of potential physiological beneficial effects, (2) implement a phase-in period to allow adequate time to […]