March 20, 2017. ISAPP’s Executive Science Officer, Mary Ellen Sanders, PhD, was appointed chair of the United States Pharmacopeia’s Probiotics Expert Panel. The goal of this panel is to assist in developing quality standards for probiotics used for dietary supplements. The efforts of this panel are intended to pave the way for probiotic manufacturers to […] Ellen Sanders Ellen Sanders2017-03-21 00:00:002019-04-18 16:04:43Executive Science Officer, Mary Ellen Sanders, PhD, Appointed to Expert Panel
March 2017. By Colin Hill, PhD, APC Microbiome Institute, School of Microbiology, University College Cork, Ireland Your microbiota has been selected stochastically from all of the microbes you have encountered during your life, from or perhaps even before your birth. It has also been modified by a number of variables, including your genome, your birth […] Ellen Sanders Ellen Sanders2017-03-03 00:00:002019-05-02 17:12:57You Have the Microbiota You Deserve!
February 2017. By Karen Scott, PhD, Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health, University of Aberdeen, Scotland. Since the discovery of penicillin by Sir Alexander Fleming in 1928, antibiotics have saved millions of lives, and have rightly been described as wonder drugs. Yet since the late 1990s we have become increasingly aware that bacterial resistance to […] Ellen Sanders Ellen Sanders2017-02-24 00:00:002019-05-02 17:12:57Antibiotics: Use with Caution
December 9, 2016. ISAPP posts comments with the FDA on Dietary Supplements: New Dietary Ingredient Notifications and Related Issues: Guidance for Industry. Comments discussed: Exclusion of novel substances as dietary ingredients Identity of a live microbial ingredient Chemical alteration Assessment of antibiotic resistance gene transfer History of safe use Strain- vs. species-specific information Requirements for […] Ellen Sanders Ellen Sanders2017-01-10 00:00:002019-04-18 16:04:43ISAPP posts comments with the FDA on Dietary Supplements
December 19, 2016. Health Benefits of Fermented Foods: Microbiota and Beyond was published today as an outcome from a discussion group led by Bob Hutkins PhD and Maria Marco PhD at the 2016 ISAPP meeting. This paper explores the health benefits attributed to both the microbes and the transformations they bring about in the making […] Ellen Sanders Ellen Sanders2017-01-10 00:00:002019-04-18 16:05:19Health Benefits of Fermented Foods
December 2016. By Gregor Reid PhD FRSC, Lawson Health Research Institute and Western University, London, Canada – November was a dramatic month with the shock Trump US Presidential victory, Earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan, and the “Prophet of Doom” in South Africa finally brought to justice for spraying pesticides in the faces of the […] Ellen Sanders Ellen Sanders2016-12-12 00:00:002019-05-02 17:12:20It Needn’t End Up Toxic
November 8, 2016. By Bruno Pot, PhD, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium – Probiotics need to be alive and confer health benefits for the host (Hill et al. 2014; FAO/WHO 2001). There are no further specifications as to the mechanisms underpinning these health effects. A large number of papers currently describe the wide diversity of the probiotic […] Ellen Sanders Ellen Sanders2016-11-14 00:00:002019-04-18 16:05:20Alive or active? Active and alive! Flow cytometry has arrived.
November 10, 2016. – ISAPP, in collaboration with IPA, publishes paper on use of probiotics in at-risk populations. This paper gives healthcare providers information about using probiotic dietary supplements in at-risk populations. Probiotics should be used in cases where the research shows a benefit for patient populations. But we need to work with industry to […] Ellen Sanders Ellen Sanders2016-11-14 00:00:002019-04-18 16:05:20ISAPP publishes probiotic recommendations for at-risk populations
November 2016. By Daniel Merenstein, MD, Georgetown University Medical Center – As a clinician and clinical researcher in the probiotic field, I am beginning to think we have reached a tipping point for clinical use of probiotics. This month, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published three articles dealing with probiotics. I heard […] Ellen Sanders Ellen Sanders2016-10-31 00:00:002019-04-18 16:05:20A Tipping Point for Probiotic Use? A Clinician’s Perspective
October 2016. By Mary Ellen Sanders, PhD, Executive Science Officer ISAPP – In July, a well-respected source of unbiased product ratings, Consumer Reports (CR), published a damning article on dietary supplements. The article begins with an account of a premature infant who died from intestinal mucormycosis believed to be caused by a mold contained in […] Ellen Sanders Ellen Sanders2016-10-05 00:00:002019-04-18 16:05:20Consumer Reports: Helping or Hurting Consumers?
Executive Science Officer, Mary Ellen Sanders, PhD, Appointed to Expert Panel
/in featured, News /by Mary Ellen SandersMarch 20, 2017. ISAPP’s Executive Science Officer, Mary Ellen Sanders, PhD, was appointed chair of the United States Pharmacopeia’s Probiotics Expert Panel. The goal of this panel is to assist in developing quality standards for probiotics used for dietary supplements. The efforts of this panel are intended to pave the way for probiotic manufacturers to […]
You Have the Microbiota You Deserve!
/in Consumer Blog, featured, ISAPP Science Blog /by Mary Ellen SandersMarch 2017. By Colin Hill, PhD, APC Microbiome Institute, School of Microbiology, University College Cork, Ireland Your microbiota has been selected stochastically from all of the microbes you have encountered during your life, from or perhaps even before your birth. It has also been modified by a number of variables, including your genome, your birth […]
Antibiotics: Use with Caution
/in Consumer Blog, featured, ISAPP Science Blog /by Mary Ellen SandersFebruary 2017. By Karen Scott, PhD, Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health, University of Aberdeen, Scotland. Since the discovery of penicillin by Sir Alexander Fleming in 1928, antibiotics have saved millions of lives, and have rightly been described as wonder drugs. Yet since the late 1990s we have become increasingly aware that bacterial resistance to […]
ISAPP posts comments with the FDA on Dietary Supplements
/in featured, News /by Mary Ellen SandersDecember 9, 2016. ISAPP posts comments with the FDA on Dietary Supplements: New Dietary Ingredient Notifications and Related Issues: Guidance for Industry. Comments discussed: Exclusion of novel substances as dietary ingredients Identity of a live microbial ingredient Chemical alteration Assessment of antibiotic resistance gene transfer History of safe use Strain- vs. species-specific information Requirements for […]
Health Benefits of Fermented Foods
/in featured, News /by Mary Ellen SandersDecember 19, 2016. Health Benefits of Fermented Foods: Microbiota and Beyond was published today as an outcome from a discussion group led by Bob Hutkins PhD and Maria Marco PhD at the 2016 ISAPP meeting. This paper explores the health benefits attributed to both the microbes and the transformations they bring about in the making […]
It Needn’t End Up Toxic
/in featured, ISAPP Science Blog /by Mary Ellen SandersDecember 2016. By Gregor Reid PhD FRSC, Lawson Health Research Institute and Western University, London, Canada – November was a dramatic month with the shock Trump US Presidential victory, Earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan, and the “Prophet of Doom” in South Africa finally brought to justice for spraying pesticides in the faces of the […]
Alive or active? Active and alive! Flow cytometry has arrived.
/in featured, ISAPP Science Blog /by Mary Ellen SandersNovember 8, 2016. By Bruno Pot, PhD, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium – Probiotics need to be alive and confer health benefits for the host (Hill et al. 2014; FAO/WHO 2001). There are no further specifications as to the mechanisms underpinning these health effects. A large number of papers currently describe the wide diversity of the probiotic […]
ISAPP publishes probiotic recommendations for at-risk populations
/in News /by Mary Ellen SandersNovember 10, 2016. – ISAPP, in collaboration with IPA, publishes paper on use of probiotics in at-risk populations. This paper gives healthcare providers information about using probiotic dietary supplements in at-risk populations. Probiotics should be used in cases where the research shows a benefit for patient populations. But we need to work with industry to […]
A Tipping Point for Probiotic Use? A Clinician’s Perspective
/in featured, ISAPP Science Blog /by Mary Ellen SandersNovember 2016. By Daniel Merenstein, MD, Georgetown University Medical Center – As a clinician and clinical researcher in the probiotic field, I am beginning to think we have reached a tipping point for clinical use of probiotics. This month, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published three articles dealing with probiotics. I heard […]
Consumer Reports: Helping or Hurting Consumers?
/in featured, ISAPP Science Blog /by Mary Ellen SandersOctober 2016. By Mary Ellen Sanders, PhD, Executive Science Officer ISAPP – In July, a well-respected source of unbiased product ratings, Consumer Reports (CR), published a damning article on dietary supplements. The article begins with an account of a premature infant who died from intestinal mucormycosis believed to be caused by a mold contained in […]