probiotics for healthy people infographic

ISAPP releases new infographic: “Probiotics for Healthy People”

November 20, 2017. Probiotics are most commonly studied with for populations with a specific condition—frequent examples include diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and pouchitis. But what kind of evidence exists on probiotics for healthy people? A new ISAPP infographic gives an overview of what we know about the use of probiotics in healthy individuals. The resource […]

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Interpreting Risk Reduction in Probiotic & Prebiotic Clinical Trials

November 2017. By Prof. Michael Cabana MPH MD, Professor of Pediatrics, Epidemiology & Biostatistics and Chief, Division of General Pediatrics, University of California San Francisco. Over the last few decades there has been a rapid acceleration in the number of published studies and clinical trials focused on probiotic and prebiotic interventions.  One common result that […]

salminen and hutkins at YINI

Fermented Foods in Nutrition & Health

November 2017. Discussed at International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS) Congress session. By Prof. Seppo Salminen, Director of the Functional Foods Forum, University of Turku. Recently, the Yogurt in Nutrition Initiative (YINI) convened a scientific session as part of the International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS) Congress, held in Buenos Aires from October 22-27, 2017. The […]

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Microbiome Analysis – Hype or Helpful?

By Karen Scott, PhD, Rowett Institute, University of Aberdeen, Scotland Since we have realized that we carry around more microbial than human cells, and that these microbial inhabitants are important to maintain our health, searching for the bacterial species that are implicated in causing disease has become the holy grail of microbiology. However, to understand […]

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ISAPP Releases Series of Informational Videos on Probiotics and Health

October 10, 2017. Probiotics are a hot topic—an online search for information yields millions of hits. But how much of this easily-accessible information is scientifically accurate? The clinicians and scientists serving on the ISAPP Board of Directors constantly receive questions about what’s true when it comes to probiotics and prebiotics. That’s why ISAPP decided to […]

ISAPP 2018 Annual Meeting

Open-Registration ISAPP Conference to be held in Singapore, June 2018

The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) is pleased to announce the opening of registration for its June 2018 international symposium in Singapore— and welcomes all interested participants around the world. “Typically, ISAPP meetings are open only to invited experts and scientists from member companies,” says ISAPP Executive Science Officer Mary Ellen Sanders. […]

brain-gut relationship illustration

Bugs on the Brain: the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis

September 2017. By Eamonn M. M. Quigley, Chief Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Houston Methodist Hospital and Professor of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College, Houston, Texas, USA. We can all remember those instances of diarrhea (or at least frequent bowel movements) and “butterflies” that we suffered before a critical test, interview or presentation. These are […]


Kombucha: Trend or New Staple?

September 2017. By Prof. Bob Hutkins, Khem Shahani Professor of Food Science, University of Nebraska, Department of Food Science and Technology, Lincoln. This blog post is adapted from a piece published by the Lincoln Journal Star. The article, first published May 4, 2016 and written by Prof. Bob Hutkins, appeared as a response to a […]

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2017 Annual Meeting Report Now Available

September 9, 2017. The 2017 Annual Meeting Report is now available. Read about the meeting including summaries from six discussion groups: · How do we fully leverage the well-established and documented benefits of probiotics and prebiotics for the benefit of patients and the public · Synbiotics –what are the advantages? · Probiotic molecular mechanisms of […]

bowl of yogurt with strawberries

Advice from a Nutritionist:  Eat More Fermented Foods.

September 2017. By Christopher Cifelli, PhD, VP of Nutrition Research, National Dairy Council. Whenever I tell someone that I have a degree in nutrition science, I usually get asked, “Are carbs bad?” or “Should I avoid added sugars?” Rarely do I get asked “What should I be eating more of?” While vegetables, fruits, dairy and […]