ISAPP Board Members, Professors Michael Cabana MD MPH and Seppo Salminen PhD, will be participating in the 4th Annual Prebiotics and Probiotics in Pediatrics conference in Bari, Italy April 12-14, 2018. Prof. Cabana will be chairing a panel on colic and will discuss findings from a meta-analysis of L. reuteri as an intervention for colic. This meta-analysis, published December 2017, was the outcome of discussion groups convened at […] Ellen Sanders Ellen Sanders2018-02-07 00:00:002019-04-18 16:04:37ISAPP BOARD MEMBERS TO PARTICIPATE IN PEDIATRIC PROBIOTIC CONFERENCE IN ITALY
By Christopher Cifelli, PhD, VP of Nutrition Research, National Dairy Council. Communicating with others is an essential part of everyday life. We are constantly sharing information about a variety of topics with friends, family, and even strangers. Most of the time the interaction is easy and natural – and sometimes even fun. But, have you […] Ellen Sanders Ellen Sanders2018-01-31 00:00:002019-05-02 17:12:56Talking Science with ISAPP’s Science Translation Committee
January 25, 2018. By Mary Ellen Sanders, PhD , Dairy & Food Culture Technologies Among the factors under our control, diet may be the most important determinant of our gut microbiota. Observations from the American Gut Project suggest that foods containing live microbes increase fecal bacterial diversity, which is generally associated with a healthy gut. An initiative, Global FoodOmics, was launched […] Ellen Sanders Ellen Sanders2018-01-25 00:00:002019-05-02 17:12:56Global FoodOmics: A Crowd-Sourced Window Into Microbes In Our Foods
January 22, 2018. By Dr. Gregor Reid ISAPP Board of Directors member Dr. Gregor Reid recently co-authored a cross-sectional study in a cohort of over 1000 very healthy Chinese participants from 3 to over 100 years of age in order to gain insights on ‘healthy’ microbiota composition and whether this changes with age. Using next-generation […] Ellen Sanders Ellen Sanders2018-01-22 00:00:002019-04-18 16:04:38Do dietary effects on gut microbiota promote health in older individuals? Reid and colleagues gain insights into microbiota composition across the lifespan
How often do you hear information about probiotics that is just plain wrong? Too often write-ups on probiotics in blogs, websites, articles written by the lay press, and even sometimes in scientific journals is not true to the science. The latest ISAPP infographic corrects several common misconceptions about probiotic dose, sweetened probiotic yogurts, fermented foods, and more. […] Ellen Sanders Ellen Sanders2018-01-22 00:00:002019-04-18 16:04:38ISAPP RELEASES NEW INFOGRAPHIC: “PROBIOTICS: DISPELLING MYTHS”
January 16, 2018. By Mary Ellen Sanders PhD, Sylvie Binda PhD, Seppo Salminen PhD, Karen Scott PhD Demonstrating health benefits for healthy people is a challenge faced by those attempting to communicate claims on a health promoting food. Foods, in many global regulatory frameworks, are intended for the general population. Therefore, any benefits ascribed to […] Ellen Sanders Ellen Sanders2018-01-16 00:00:002019-04-18 16:04:38Resilience as a measure of health: implications for health claims for foods
January 12, 2018. Antibiotics are amongst the most commonly prescribed drugs in UK hospitals. However, as well as treating infection they can cause disruption to the gastrointestinal microbiota. This can lead to the relatively common side-effect of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea (AAD) which often delays discharge. More concerning is that a disruption to the normal gut microbiota […] Ellen Sanders Ellen Sanders2018-01-12 00:00:002019-04-18 16:04:38ISAPP works to have evidence-based usage of probiotics to prevent antibiotic-associated diarrheoa implemented in UK
January 3, 2018. Evidence exists for gut microbiota differences between infants with and without colic, with one probiotic strain of particular interest therapeutically for colicky infants: Lactobacillus reuteri DSM17938. Discussion groups convened at the 2014 and 2016 ISAPP meetings, both led by Prof. Michael Cabana MD MPH of University of California, San Francisco, and member […] Ellen Sanders Ellen Sanders2018-01-03 00:00:002019-04-18 16:04:38ISAPP Digs Deeper into Evidence on Probiotics for Colic with New Meta-Analysis
December 15, 2017. By Prof. Daniel Merenstein, MD, Department of Family Medicine, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington DC. I had a surprising encounter a few weeks ago in the clinic. I was caught off guard, had to take a step back and think about what happened. I recommended to my patient that she take a […] Ellen Sanders Ellen Sanders2017-12-15 00:00:002019-04-18 16:04:38The Times They Are A-Changin’ With Probiotics
By Mary Ellen Sanders PhD, Executive Science Officer, ISAPP It seems that fermented foods have ‘arrived’. Just within the community of ISAPP board members, fermented foods and their importance to health have been a topic of great interest. The idea that adding foods containing live microbes may be sound dietary advice has been reflected in […] Ellen Sanders Ellen Sanders2017-11-30 00:00:002020-12-04 04:34:57Fermented foods, health and ISAPP
/in featured, News /by Mary Ellen SandersISAPP Board Members, Professors Michael Cabana MD MPH and Seppo Salminen PhD, will be participating in the 4th Annual Prebiotics and Probiotics in Pediatrics conference in Bari, Italy April 12-14, 2018. Prof. Cabana will be chairing a panel on colic and will discuss findings from a meta-analysis of L. reuteri as an intervention for colic. This meta-analysis, published December 2017, was the outcome of discussion groups convened at […]
Talking Science with ISAPP’s Science Translation Committee
/in Consumer Blog, featured, ISAPP Science Blog /by Mary Ellen SandersBy Christopher Cifelli, PhD, VP of Nutrition Research, National Dairy Council. Communicating with others is an essential part of everyday life. We are constantly sharing information about a variety of topics with friends, family, and even strangers. Most of the time the interaction is easy and natural – and sometimes even fun. But, have you […]
Global FoodOmics: A Crowd-Sourced Window Into Microbes In Our Foods
/in Consumer Blog, featured, ISAPP Science Blog /by Mary Ellen SandersJanuary 25, 2018. By Mary Ellen Sanders, PhD , Dairy & Food Culture Technologies Among the factors under our control, diet may be the most important determinant of our gut microbiota. Observations from the American Gut Project suggest that foods containing live microbes increase fecal bacterial diversity, which is generally associated with a healthy gut. An initiative, Global FoodOmics, was launched […]
Do dietary effects on gut microbiota promote health in older individuals? Reid and colleagues gain insights into microbiota composition across the lifespan
/in featured, ISAPP Science Blog /by Mary Ellen SandersJanuary 22, 2018. By Dr. Gregor Reid ISAPP Board of Directors member Dr. Gregor Reid recently co-authored a cross-sectional study in a cohort of over 1000 very healthy Chinese participants from 3 to over 100 years of age in order to gain insights on ‘healthy’ microbiota composition and whether this changes with age. Using next-generation […]
/in featured, News /by Mary Ellen SandersHow often do you hear information about probiotics that is just plain wrong? Too often write-ups on probiotics in blogs, websites, articles written by the lay press, and even sometimes in scientific journals is not true to the science. The latest ISAPP infographic corrects several common misconceptions about probiotic dose, sweetened probiotic yogurts, fermented foods, and more. […]
Resilience as a measure of health: implications for health claims for foods
/in featured, ISAPP Science Blog /by Mary Ellen SandersJanuary 16, 2018. By Mary Ellen Sanders PhD, Sylvie Binda PhD, Seppo Salminen PhD, Karen Scott PhD Demonstrating health benefits for healthy people is a challenge faced by those attempting to communicate claims on a health promoting food. Foods, in many global regulatory frameworks, are intended for the general population. Therefore, any benefits ascribed to […]
ISAPP works to have evidence-based usage of probiotics to prevent antibiotic-associated diarrheoa implemented in UK
/in featured, News /by Mary Ellen SandersJanuary 12, 2018. Antibiotics are amongst the most commonly prescribed drugs in UK hospitals. However, as well as treating infection they can cause disruption to the gastrointestinal microbiota. This can lead to the relatively common side-effect of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea (AAD) which often delays discharge. More concerning is that a disruption to the normal gut microbiota […]
ISAPP Digs Deeper into Evidence on Probiotics for Colic with New Meta-Analysis
/in featured, News /by Mary Ellen SandersJanuary 3, 2018. Evidence exists for gut microbiota differences between infants with and without colic, with one probiotic strain of particular interest therapeutically for colicky infants: Lactobacillus reuteri DSM17938. Discussion groups convened at the 2014 and 2016 ISAPP meetings, both led by Prof. Michael Cabana MD MPH of University of California, San Francisco, and member […]
The Times They Are A-Changin’ With Probiotics
/in featured, ISAPP Science Blog /by Mary Ellen SandersDecember 15, 2017. By Prof. Daniel Merenstein, MD, Department of Family Medicine, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington DC. I had a surprising encounter a few weeks ago in the clinic. I was caught off guard, had to take a step back and think about what happened. I recommended to my patient that she take a […]
Fermented foods, health and ISAPP
/in featured, News /by Mary Ellen SandersBy Mary Ellen Sanders PhD, Executive Science Officer, ISAPP It seems that fermented foods have ‘arrived’. Just within the community of ISAPP board members, fermented foods and their importance to health have been a topic of great interest. The idea that adding foods containing live microbes may be sound dietary advice has been reflected in […]