International Probiotics Association Announced Its Intent to Offer a Quality Seal for Probiotic

On March 28, 2008 the International Probiotics Association announced its intent to offer a quality seal for probiotic products that meet its standards for content and substantiation of health benefits; the seal will be available on products in 6-8 months.

The Worldwide Probiotic Markets Report For Sale

Market report which analyzes the worldwide probiotic markets prepared by Global Industry Analysts Inc for sale (March 2008). Report

FAO Publishes Technical Report on Prebiotics

FAO publishes technical report on prebiotics addressing definitions, substantiation and characterization issues (January 29, 2008). Report

Two Consumer Friendly Books on Probiotics Published

Two consumer friendly books on probiotics published. The Power of Probiotics,
by Gary Elmer, Lynne McFarland and Marc McFarland, published by Haworth Press ( This is a consumer’s guide to probiotics, but also discusses much of the data showing efficacy in human
studies, so it is a good resource probiotics researchers as well. Also out in 2007 is The Probiotics Revolution by Gary Huffnagle (Bantam Dell Publishing Group).

ISAPP Report on the Status of the Field

ISAPP report on the status of the field as it pertains to safety evaluation and interpretation of antibiotic resistance phenotypes and genotypes present in probiotics.Report from meeting held
December 13, 2007.

Conference on Probiotics and Prebiotics

A conference was sponsored by the NIH on probiotics and prebiotics on December 11-12, 2007. Conference title: Gastrointestinal Microbiota and Advances in Prebiotics and Probiotics Research, Sponsored by the Division of Nutrition Research Coordination of the National Institutes of Health on behalf of the Prebiotic and Probiotic Working Group, Rockville, Maryland. Session summaries should be available soon. Questions, contact Maria Smith 301-670-4990, The Scientific Consulting Group Inc.

ISAPP President Gregor Reid’s Global Impact

Valio’s new membership of IAC. Dr. Maija Saxelin and ISAPP President Dr. Gregor Reid at the Valio Headquarters in Helsinki where Dr. Reid spoke about ISAPP and welcomed the company onto the ISAPP Industry Advisory Committee.

IDF Elie Metchnikoff Prize 2007 winners:
Dr. Larry McKay (Category Biotechnology), Dr. Gregor Reid (Category Nutrition and Health), Dr. Shigeru Mitsuoka (Category Microbiology), and Dr. Andrew Bruce (Category Nutrition and Health).

ISAPP President Gregor Reid with Sabine and Lothar Steidler, and Nico Bos, speakers arranged for the International Congress: Probiotics, Prebiotics, Synbiotics and Functional Foods: Scientific and Clinical Aspects held in St. Petersburg, Russia May 15-16, 2007

Report of the 2nd International Workshop in Amsterdam

Report of the 2nd International Workshop in Amsterdam, April 26-28, 2007.
“Gut Microbiota in Health and Disease”

IDF Elie Metchnikoff Prize

IDF Elie Metchnikoff Prize: An initiative by the International Dairy Federation and its partners to celebrate scientific discovery. The IDF Elie Metchnikoff Prize 2007 recognizes outstanding scientific discoveries in the fields of microbiology, biotechnology, nutrition and health with regard to fermented milks. Applications due January 31, 2007.

Probiotics on Front Page of New York Times

Front Page Probiotics: Probiotics on front page of New York Times, Monday,January 22, 2007, “In Live Bacteria, Food Makers See New Bonanza” by Andrew Martin.

Twenty-two Papers Delivered at the 2006 Conference

Proceedings published: Twenty-two papers delivered at the 2006 conference held in Maryland titled “Developing Probiotics as Food and Drugs: Scientific and Regulatory Challenges” sponsored by Drug Information Association (, ISAPP and others have been published as a supplement to Clinical Infectious Diseases (February 1, Volume 46, Supplement 2, 2008).

American Academy of Microbiology Releases Report

The American Academy of Microbiology released a report “Probiotic Microbes: The Scientific Basis” June 7, 2006. The report is the outcome of a colloquium convened by the American Academy of Microbiology in November 2005 to discuss the current state of knowledge regarding probiotics.
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Probiotics and Prebiotics: Scientific Aspects, 2005

Probiotics and Prebiotics: Scientific Aspects, 2005. Edited by Gerald W. Tannock University of Otago, Dunedin , New Zealand (Caister Academic Press). Chapters include: Molecular Methods in Microbial Ecology (Erwin G. Zoetendal and Roderick I. Mackie), Taxonomy of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria (Franco Dellaglio and Giovanna E. Felis), The Microecology of Lactobacilli in the Gastrointestinal Tract (Jens Walter), Exopolysaccharide Production by Intestinal Lactobacilli (Michael G. Gänzle and Clarissa Schwab), Beyond Genome Sequences: Approaches to Genome-wide Analysis of Gut Bacteria (Makda Fisseha and Fabrizio Arigoni), Molecular Interactions of Commensal Enteric Bacteria with the Intestinal Epithelium and the Mucosal Immune System: Implications for Chronic Intestinal Inflammation (Dirk Haller), Genetically Modified Probiotics (Lothar Steidler
and Sabine Neirynck), Bacterial Therapeutics for the Treatment and Prevention of Urogenital Infections (Thomas P. Parks, Qiang Xu, Laurel A. Lagenaur and Peter P. Lee), Prebiotics and the Infant Microbiota (L.C. Roger and A.L. McCartney), The Tangled Bank and Gut Microbial Ecology (Gerald W. Tannock).

Effects of Probiotics and Prebiotics on Flora and Immunity in Adults

Effects of probiotics and prebiotics on flora and immunity in adults. Report by AFSSA (Agence Francaise de Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments or in English, French Food Safety Agency), February 2005, in both English (p. 59) and French.
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Infant Foods and Modification on the Intestinal Flora

Infant foods and modification on the intestinal flora, Report by AFSSA (Agence Francaise de Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments or in English, French Food Safety Agency), June 2003, in both English (p. 39) and French.
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